
Presentations; The Most Important Ingredient

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Tue, 11/05/2013

Sometimes the steps in the sales process seem like a waste of a lot of time. One step looked at in this way, by so many salespeople, especially those who are new to the game, is developing a winning presentation.

If you are going to go through the first steps of the consultative sales process, and ask questions about your prospective client, you might as well finish the process with a proper presentation. If I asked ten salespeople what the proper presentation has in it, I would probably hear ten different answers.

The order of what you present, and in some cases the content, may be different from client to client, but the one ingredient that is worth more than half of the close, is the section of the presentation where you indicate how your products match the needs of your prospect.

Many salespeople assume a lot, and even though they conducted a needs assessment, they opt to give their prospect the cookie cutter presentation, instead of customizing it in each and every instance.

This is the most important ingredient in the presentation. Would you leave spaghetti out of the recipe if you were making spaghetti for dinner? Would you forget your golf clubs if you were going to play golf? Of course not! Then why would you leave this bridged attachment from your product and/or services to your prospects needs, out of your presentation?

Go back and look at all of your presentations. If you haven’t done this already, see where it can fit, so you know what to do for your next presentation. In many cases it seems like common sense and it should be assumed. Going through the motions will appease your prospect and turn them into a client, for life!

What are your challenges when it comes to developing winning presentations? I look forward to hearing your comments. Until next time…