
Ad Design and Development

The commercial development and ad design process varies by media. Ads should emphasize each media's advantages. Newspaper needs to attract the reader’s eye, radio needs to audibly gain the listener’s attention and television needs to combine sight, sound and emotion to reach the viewer.

The goal of most advertising is to get people to take some type of action. Advertising expert David Ogilvy developed the Ogilvy method for ad design, used for most print media. Readers typically look at visual, caption, headline, copy and signature, in that order. This format has been used repeatedly for some of the most successful ads.

Radio commercials can reach a mass audience, especially in locations that are next to impossible for other medium to achieve. There are five keys to help increase the chance of having a successful radio ad campaign. The frequency of the ads that run for your business, reaching the target audience by matching your buy with a station who reaches your target, producing your commercial with content and passion for the product or service you sell, taking advantage of low rates from this medium and lastly, timing your spending in quarters that make sense for your industry and your specific market.

Television commercials combine sight, sound, motion and emotion, and like radio, also reach a mass audience. There are ten essentials to an effective TV commercial. Put people in your commercial, plan out the video, write the script to match the video and with quick sentences that introduce the essence of the message, the audio and video need to match, always have a call to action for the viewer, stick to the time bought, hire a production company who knows what they are doing, schedule your commercial when your target audience is watching, run it frequently and lastly, be consistent with all the elements within the commercial from campaign to campaign.

When running a campaign using a combination of media, the message should be related to each other from media to media. This includes consistency in your branding message, as well as your call to action. Make it easier for the prospective customer to be reached and to respond and to buy.