
Managing Your Time

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Tues, 9/15/2015

On Monday morning when I start my day, I already have a plan, for the day, and the week. Do you? Managing my time effectively and guiding the sales staffs I have managed over the years has had a tremendous positive impact on sales for the companies I’ve been fortunate to represent.

Twenty five years ago, the radio station I was working for at the time, had an outside company come in and conduct a time management seminar. To this day I still follow the same lessons I learned in 1990. Prior to that I was still managing my time, but not following a process. I can tell you that if you are the least bit unorganized, a process makes it easier to get on track, and stay on track.

Do you set aside time for doing paperwork, making phone calls and other administrative internal service for your customers, leaving the meat of the day available to see or talk to your clients or prospects one on one? Do you have time to just sit and just think about what steps you can take to increase the relationships you have already developed with clients? Do you have time to do personal tasks in the middle of the day?

The reality is that you only have 24/7! If you have to see the dentist, it can’t be done, for the most part, at 9 o’clock at night! Is your child still waiting for you at school, because you forgot to pick him or her up? I’m not kidding, I’ve known salespeople that have worried about these kinds of things because they have not organized their day, and are not properly managing their time!

Don’t put it off-start right now! The funny thing is that most will put it off for another day!

What are your challenges when it comes to time management? I look forward to hearing your comments. Until next time…