
Sales Promotion

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Tues, 3/24/2014

Sales promotion is a strategy that can be used by small, medium and large businesses alike. For smaller businesses it may be a way to conserve budgets. For medium to large businesses it can be a sure fire way to extend what you are already doing in advertising and PR.

In any case, the cost of promotion is generally considerably less of an investment than its advertising counterpart. In most cases the promotion is in the programming, versus at a break from the programming. On web sites it is in the content, not on the side as an identifiable ad. And of course it is right down the middle for social media-consumers love promotion!

How do you get started? Know your product and service well, and that of the competition. Develop your promotions on the calendar around other promotions and events that are scheduled in your geographic target area. You want them to stand out as much as possible, so this is critical toward its success.

Then set a timeline for completion and stakeholders who are accountable for the completion of the promotion. Once this is set, you are on your way toward a highly rewarding and usually fun event. Take pictures for future use, as well as video for You Tube. It can go straight to social media and also it can be archived on your website.

What are your challenges when it comes to recognizing developing sales promotions? I look forward to hearing your comments. Until next timeā€¦