
Is the Event Big Enough for Marketing Your Product?

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Tues, 5/6/2014

Today is Cinco de Mayo, which in many worlds is just the fifth of May. In other parts of the world it is time to celebrate a victory by Mexico over France. And no, it is not a celebration of Mexico’s independence. That comes in September!

So is Cinco de Mayo a big enough event to center the marketing of your business around? The answer can be yes or no. If your products or services cater heavily to those celebrating today, then by all means, attach yourself to the holiday. If not, it may not make sense because the ROI will be minimal.

The point is that you need to think about what you are attaching to as part of your event marketing strategy. Just because Cinco de Mayo is here, it’s not necessarily the best place to be for your company. On the other hand, next week is Mother’s Day and that may possibly be the perfect event to use as a centerpiece to your marketing efforts in May.

Do not try and do event marketing at last minute. Plan ahead and coordinate every part of the effort to take full advantage of the event. Signage, media tie-ins, on site demos, promotional give-aways and more. What a chance to milk the cow! Doing things at last minute will lose many of these opportunities for exposure.

There is an event every month, in fact, several events happen every month. Take your time, choose wisely and have fun with it!

What are your challenges when it comes to event marketing? I look forward to hearing your comments. Until next time…