
Always Be...Opening!

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Tues, 8/19/2014

Old school says you should always be closing - ABC’s of sales! I was in the audience of a sales seminar this week and the speaker was emphasizing opening the relationship. I would have to say, that the term always be opening is more prevalent today than always be closing.

Both approaches are really going down the same path, yet to open a relationship is more along the lines of listening to your clients and hearing about their specific needs and challenges. Once the needs are discovered, then it gives you the opportunity to address them through the presentation of your products and/or services.

Gaining the confidence and trust of your prospective client is 75% of the sale. Once they are confident in your sincerity toward the success of their business or personal improvement, they will start asking you questions, which gets you much closer to a transaction.

When networking, or making telephone calls, work on developing your listening skills. Also, develop a holding pattern for your immediate reaction to a person’s answers to your questions. Bite your tongue often as you take in several pieces of information that can lead to a dynamic proposal and a mutually beneficial relationship for you and your customer.

This is relationship building through opening conversations. How about if we say A-B-O for short, Always Be Opening!

What are your challenges when it comes to opening relationships? I look forward to hearing your comments. Until next time...